I am gobsmacked... Three years ago I lost the password for my google account (as one does) and although I did try to sort it out, honestly I did, time went by and life changed. I got a new computer, two new iPads, was mugged so lost my phone, lost the next one after that, upgrsaded twice, opened a new office and generally changed my IT profile until it was unrecognisable.
Tonight for some reason I decided to sort it out properly. Of course the first 12 questions they ask online I haven't a clue about. When did you open the account, what "day" did you last use it (seriously) and so on and so on.... All this information from a woman who can't remember what she had for dinner two hours earlier!!!
Anyway a little box pops up asking for my cell no which I fill in and the next thing ....they phoned me from America. I kid you not. A lovely man called Don who only made me feel like a geriatric idiot twice, talked me through it .....and ..... I'm back people 😀
It might be short lived as I could have been talking to Hacker Central and tomorrow I might have no technology, but as I haven't been on here for three years now, it wouldn't make any difference. Here's to happy blogging, long may it last 👍🏻